Pursuant to W.S. § 26-5-112(a)(ii) ↗ and Chapter 50, Section 5* of the Wyoming Insurance Department’s Regulations, each accredited reinsurer shall file a properly executed Form AR-1* as evidence of its submission to the state of Wyoming’s jurisdiction and to the state of Wyoming’s authority to examine its books and records.


***Annual Filings will not be accepted as complete/renewed without all forms and fees***

In accordance with W.S. § 26-5-112(a)(ii)(D) ↗, accredited reinsurers in the State of Wyoming are required to file the following annually:

If you wish to withdraw your registration, send your request on company letterhead with explanation and confirmation that there are no outstanding claims or reinsurance liabilities for Wyoming cedants.

Please direct all inquiries to Tammy Rathburn.